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Online Learning Uses in the K-12 Learning Environment PowerPoint Presentation

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Online Learning Uses in the K-12 Learning Environment

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Online Learning Uses in the K-12 Learning Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Online Learning Uses in the K-12 Learning Environment EDTC 601: 5.2 Online Learning Proposal Betty Hustead April 19, 2011

  2. Our mission is to provide a quality education that prepares all children for a successful future. (Jeffco Schools 2011)

  3. AGENDA • Mission • Best practices for education • Educational options for students • Which option fits which student? • Pros/Cons of online learning • Best practices for teaching K-12 online • Educational methods • Jeffco district online classes • Jeffco classes and training • Recommendations to improve online learning • Future recommendations for further improvements • Bibliography

  4. Best Practices for Education Traditional Education Online Education • Accredited • Ease of credit transfer • Licensed teachers • Graduation rate • Counseling support • Variety of courses (AP, Honors) • Run by district • Program has positive track record • Receive support from businesses • Free to attend (hidden costs?) • Sports/Activities/Clubs Prevalent • Accredited • Policy for transfer of credits • Licensed (credential) teachers • Student/Teacher ratio • Graduation rate • Designed support system • Program is backed by reputable source (University based High School programs are usually high quality) • Variety of courses • Price of program (no hidden costs?) • Run by school or a business? • Program has positive track record

  5. Education Options for Students "We know that educational success means different things to different people; that's why our online classes are designed to meet a wide variety of needs. Study full time and receive a Jeffco high school diploma, go part time while attending classes at another Jeffco school, or take credit recovery classes to catch up on credits." (Jeffco Schools 2011)

  6. Which option is best for the student? Traditional Student Best Practices for success Students need: proper supplies (pens, paper, computer access) study time communication skills responsible know learning style attend classes Online Student Self Evaluation Online Student Best Practices for Success Students need: • to set goals • a distraction free study area • to ask questions • time manage (be proactive, responsible) • know learning style • to communicate well • to understand how to use technology • to be willing to manage emails, chats, phones, discussions • reward accomplishments

  7. Best Practices for Teaching K12 Online Learning • Consistent assignment deadlines • Time for evaluation (no time for procrastination) • Assess on quality not quantity • Interactive activities keep interest and engage students (chats, blogs, conferencing, revisions, comments, presentations, and more) • Timely feedback to assure students the support is there • Excellent communication skills • Willing and able to get to know students and parents • National Standards for Online Teachers(Inacol 2010)

  8. Educational Methods Jefferson County online classes follow the Colorado State Standards, 21st Century Skills, the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards, CAP documents and use the Universal Design for Learning strategies. Teachers use Marzano's strategies to engage students and help them become life-time learners. Technique examples include cooperative learning projects, discussions/Q&A, research and graphic analysis. Bloom's hierarchy of digital learning is also used to achieve the higher learning everyone desires and deserves by making the students think outside the box to find answers.

  9. Jeffco District Online Classes Include: • Virtual learning • Certified teachers • H. S. diploma • CDE credit/NCAA credit • Student/parent access to grades • Free to Colorado students (small fee for out of state) • Meet Colorado standards • Full-time/Part-time/Recovery options • Personalized attention • 24/7 access to class and teachers Watch Student Video Our Mission:To provide a quality education that prepares all students for a successful future through a rigorous curriculum, strong connections, and a vibrant learning community

  10. Jeffco Classes Offered Online • English: Lang. Arts 1 - 4, Boys' 9th Eng • Math: Pre-Alg, Alg 1-2, Geometry, Pre-Calc/Trig, Honors Trig • Science: Earth, Biology, Physics, Chemistry • Social Studies: World Geography, World History, US History, US Gov't, Economics • World Language: Spanish 1-2, Native learner, Chinese 1-2, Russian 1-2 • Visual Arts: Digital Photo • Music: Music History, Songwriting • Electives: Anthropology, Career Exploration, Forensics, Health Fitness, Journalism, Marine Biology, Psychology, Study Skills

  11. Jeffco Teacher Training • Licensed Teacher • Teach licensed content • Complete online training • Jeffco offers online training • Jeffco pays for training or subs

  12. Recommendationsto improve online learning in our district • Blended classes are the ideal method for learning. a. Students attend school 1 time per week in class b. Complete assignments on line c. Use virtual lectures, chats, and cooperative learning d. Field trips for relevance and deeper understanding e. Cost to create this style of learning is none to very small • The Virtual Academy program needs updated to match the Jeffco expectations in network application ability. a. Better communication with online help situations both at district and host sites – research and take bids for host

  13. Future Recommendationsto improve online learning in our district • Add class choices at the High School level to reach the students at high risk – help graduation rate and drop out rate • Advertise throughout the state, not just within schools – more enrollment • Add adult blended classes at night or on weekend – support community and charge for classes • Add class choices for 1st grade – 8th grade – homebound and home school students stay with Jeffco

  14. Bibliography Jeffco's 21st Century Virtual Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved April, 2011, from Jefferson County Public Schools website:‌online/ Nastu, J. (2011). eSN special report: Blended learning on the rise. eSchool news: Technology News for Today's K-20 Educator. Retrieved from National standards for quality online teaching. (2010). Retrieved April, 2011, from International Association for K-12 On-line Learning website:‌research/‌nationalstandards/‌NACOL%20Standards%20Quality%20Online%20Teaching.pdf New report highlights barriers to online learning. (2011). eSchool News: Technology News for Today's K-20 Educator. Retrieved from‌2010/‌11/‌11/‌new-report-highlights-barriers-to-online-learning/‌print/ On-line schooling K-12. (2011). Retrieved April, 2011, from Technology Solutions for Teaching and Research: Maximize your effectiveness through the use of technology. (2008, August 4). Retrieved April, 2011, from University of Wisconsin, Madison, Division of Information Technology, Academic Technology website:‌ORFI/‌otr/‌communication/‌communicate_content.html Umpstead, B., & Grigg, K. (2011). Michigan uses online learning to reach at-risk students. eSchool News:Technology News for Today's K-20 Educator. Retrieved from‌2010/‌06/‌02/‌michigan-uses-online-learning-to-reach-at-risk-students/‌print/

Jeffco Schools Sub System Eschool Solutions
